Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

Well, last year didn’t exactly go as planned, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels that way. 2020 wasn’t the best year for gaming: game shows were cancelled, and due to the lockdowns and the restrictions, there were only a few face-to-face games. I was also very busy at work, and I had many exams which left me with far less free time for my hobby than I expected. Sadly, I had no chance to paint with my nieces either.

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New Year – Same Old Me

This is the beginning of a new year, the time when people make resolutions. They start a new life, sign up for the gym, start a healthy diet, ditch alcohol and tobacco… and before the end of January, they get back to their old routine. The gyms that were full of new year resolutioners are back to the regular guests, snacks and comfort food find their way back to the more and more liberal diet plan and a good pint or a drag of a cigarette still does the magic.

I never really believed in new year resolutions and dramatic changes, but there are a couple of things that work for me:

  • Learning from past achievements and mistakes
  • Determining what needs to be done differently and making the necessary changes
  • Planning the next period

  • In this case, it’s not for my life in general but for my hobby only: the games I play and the minis I build and paint.

    Continue reading New Year – Same Old Me