Let the Waaaagh Begin!

Every story has to start somewhere… but where should I start mine?

Should I start with my decades long love of strategic games and miniatures? Or with me getting back to role-play games, both as a player and as a DM? Maybe a bit of both.

It was kind of a milestone last June when I bought the Shadespire boxed set after a long hiatus. I’ll write more in detail about this game later, for now let’s just say that it’s a tactical board game with cards and miniature figures, I love it and I really recommend it. I have always loved minis and models, and I have built and painted many of them over the past decades, so painting the Shadespire figures was beyond question.

I started with the Sepulchral Guards, a warband of skeletons.

A group of Sepulchral guards
Sepulchral Guards

I have to admit, the result was very far from what I imagined… Sure, it wasn’t a complete mess, it was acceptable, something I dare to call tabletop quality, but I wasn’t completely happy with it. Absolutely not… Some details were lost and some parts ended up totally different than planned.
I continued with Steelheart’s Champions and the result was similar.

Steelheart’s Champions
Steelheart’s Champions

I knew what I wanted to do with the figures, but when I was painting them, I just couldn’t work it out properly. Of course, I could blame the brushes, blame the paint and the figures, accuse every painter who had better works with doctoring the images… But let’s face it: I need more practice. So I decided to get more experience, paint more figures and use the minis for what they are meant to be used: play with them.

This blog is going to be my journal, where I record what I do, what I learn and where I track my progress…and of course, it’s also about games: role-play games, arena games, skirmish games, narrative battles!

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