Silversand – The City-state and the Neighbouring States

In my previous post about Inkarnate, I mentioned Silversand, the fictional realm where my D&D campaign takes place. It’s in Faerun but not part of the official canon, it’s my creation for a low fantasy D&D 5e setting, inspired by the medieval Italian city-states and the Mediterranean region.

Silversand is a city-state on the Sword Coast, with a seaport and trade routes to the continent, named after its white sand of the seaside that sparkles like silver in the moonlight. It’s not as big and famous as Baldur’s Gate or Neverwinter, but prosperous, wealthy, relatively safe and well organized.

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Maps of Impossible Worlds – Inkarnate Review

After years of hiatus, in early 2019 I decided to get back to running RPG campaigns as a DM and I wanted to run a one-off DnD session just to refresh my storytelling skills. I had been preparing for these gaming session a lot, and I knew that there was a bit more in the story; it could even be a mini-campaign of three or four sessions and I started to called it The Tales of Silversand. After three completed adventures, I realised that I had enough ideas for dozens of run-on stories and by now we have had more than twenty sessions – many of them proper, full-day sessions – full of adventures, laughter and drama, memorable and heroic moments. Then came the pandemic, and the lockdown made face to face meetings impossible, and after a couple of online sessions -where I couldn’t use my miniature and map collections- I started to feel that I failed to deliver the same level of gaming experience, so decided to put the campaign on hold and do some research.

Continue reading Maps of Impossible Worlds – Inkarnate Review