When I first saw Games Workshop’s Nighthaunts, I knew I had to build this army. I just loved the creepy and dramatic design of these miniatures, the clever usage of hollow structures and the mist-like shapes that give them a real ethereal look. It is design at its best!
When the two technical paints (Hexwraith Flame and Nighthaunt Gloom) were released, it became even more difficult to resist them: these guys developed special paints for the Nighthaunts! The reviews were all positive and I also found a bunch of amazing photos online. All you need is a white basecoat, a layer of these technical paints, and a bit of drybrushing or layering.
Since I also needed some ghosts for my RPG campaign and I have not seen any decent ghost miniatures anywhere else, I gave in and bought a set of Spirit Hosts.
The kit was a bit more difficult to build than I thought it would be, but it was worth it.
I got a bit stuck after applying the white basecoat: Should I give them a grim look with Hexwraith Flame’s dark blue, or a more mystical look with Nighthaunt Gloom’s vibrant green? In the end, I decided to do a colour test, try my glazes, shades, and other technical paints, and pick the one that works the best.

Some of the colours really surprised me. Though I liked them a lot on other painters’ pictures, not all of them worked out fine for me: for example I found Nighthaunt Gloom too dark for my taste. On the other hand, Druchii Violet, Nihilakh Oxide and Guiliman Blue have become my absolute favourites.
I was looking for the best single colour for my soon-to-be-built Nighthaunt army, but finally I decided to keep them as colourful as possible, using all the paints I have just fallen in love with.
Yes, I know how to make my life more complicated. 😊